I am such a slacker! I haven't even posted pictures of Easter yet and it has been a week and half. So here is my late Easter post! So the week before Easter Jaylee caught the flu and had it for a week (not the puking part the whole time the other stuff). Jason caught it on Friday and we had planned on going to Elko to get our Easter stuff! I wanted to go by myself since he was sick, but he insisted on going. Oh it was the worst trip ever! Jason puked the whole time and Jaylee had it coming out the other end! I feel bad for whoever used the Wal Mart shopping cart after Jaylee had sat in it! I didn't get to go to half the places that I wanted to and Jason complained the whole time. Why is it when men get sick they are the biggest babies? Anyway the thing that ticked me off the most was that he wouldn't let me get something to eat for dinner, because he didn't want to smell it. Boy was I irratated! This wasn't the end of the worst day! We got home and the power was out! I couldn't even cook me dinner! At this point I was beyond irritated! I was freaking out because I had lots of things to do! Luckily the power turned back on a little after 9pm and I was able to get some things done.
Where was I, oh yeah Easter! Jaylee was a lot of fun this year with the eggs. She was so cute to gather her eggs and put them in her basket! She loved the candy inside of them too! Brock was a little bummed that he didn't get the Poke Mon game for his DS that he told the Easter bunny the day before Easter! Dang Easter bunny you are suppose to have ESP! Maybe the Easter Bunny will be fired from our house! Ha, I could only wish. Brock got over the game and Jaylee just kept eating her jelly beans.
My parents house is under construction in their kitchen area right now, so I offered to host Easter dinner! It was so yummy and I think everyone had a good time, except for the fight between my sister Mel and my brother! Is it only our family that has sibling fights when there is family gatherings? It always seems to happen with my siblings. I think that we are all spoiled brats! Anyway besides that everything went good and we ended the day with a gool ol' game of cards.
Here are so Easter pics!
I hope everyone had a great Easter and enjoyed the true meaning of it! I listened to conference, does that count?
I'm sorry Jason and Jaylee were sick. That's the worst! I'm glad Easter went well for you though.
first, thank you for stopping by my blog~so nice! Sick kiddos are never fun! If they have bad tummy after the flu, talk to your health food store about getting little tablets call acidopholus (it is the active ingredient in yogurt). It resets the balance of bacteria in their tums. Just check with your pediatrician, if they are on antibiotics. LOVE your cute Easter ladder decor!! The pics of your kids are adorable & yes it does count if you listen to conference (although I am not a member of LDS). Would you be so kind to email me (it is on my blog near my "about me") how you did your header in a different font? I am a font girl & need to upgrade it in my blog. I have researched it & cannot get an easy answer. You have an adorable blog & I am off to become a follower!
You are not a slacker! You are nothing but with 5 kids :) Beautiful Easter Pictures of your family.
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